Join Our Team

At Executive Advisory Firm, we always on the look into how to improve our services for our end customers. What a better way than, inviting industry experts to join our advisory team of advisers with specific expertise and help us together solve our end customers needs.

We are constantly seeking top professionals from Data Storage industry with background in business, marketing, operation, finance, and strategy expertise.

Our High-Tech advisory team will bring to you over 25 years proven successful Growth & Exit Strategies of Fortune 500 companies. Our Advisors will help you build an End-to-End Strategy that will help your company’s Top Executives team achieve your firm’s overall Corporate Objectives in a reasonable time and Cost Effective ways.

We are a High-Tech Executive Advisory Firm with focus on Data Storage Industry and Semiconductor sector of Technology market segments. Our firm will provide a series of services to help our clients regardless of their company size, market size, and their geographical location. We will provide a comprehensive solutions for their needs. An end-to-end corporate strategy, growth / exit strategy, and financial & operational checks and balances to help your shareholders, board of directors, and executives to achieve their overall corporate objectives. At Executive Advisory Firm, we work with your top objectives and deliver required task on a given budget.

We will help our customers by using the same proven Fortune 500 companies’ successful methods to achieve their objectives. Our team has built successful companies from ground up in the past +25 years with direct responsibilities of all aspect of business both in US and Asia. Our biggest competitive advantage is to tailor a customize solution for each entities need based on their objective and budgets.

If you are interested to join our advisory team, fill up the inquire form so we can arrange a short conference call to learn more about your expertise and see how your previous professional work experience might help our end customers needs.
