Our Philosophy
Our High-Tech advisory team will bring to you over 25 years proven successful Growth & Exit Strategies of Fortune 500 companies. Our Advisors will help you build an End-to-End Strategy that will help your company’s Top Executives team achieve your firm’s overall Corporate Objectives in a reasonable time and Cost Effective ways.
Our Story
We have built successful High-Tech and Data Storage business units both in US and Asia while we deliver our overall Corporate Strategies of our Top Executives. We will review your Corporate Objectives, Sales & Marketing Strategies, Operation, Finance and Technology Goals and help you improve overall of Corporate Growth & Exit strategies.
Growth & Exit Strategies
Our Background:
Our team of High-Tech advisory members all came from Fortune 500 Technology companies, with expertise in areas as such:
- Top Executive (Chief Executive Officer “CEO”, Chief Technology Officer “CTO”, Chief Strategy Officer “CSO”, and Chief Financial Officer “CFO”)
- Corporate Development
- Corporate Strategy
- Growth Strategies
- Exit Strategies
- Strategic Marketing
- Technology
- Research and Development (R&D)
- Standardization Bodies
- Finance & Operation Excellence
- IP (Intellectual Property) Patents, Innovations, and Expert Witness
- Merger & Acquisition (M&A)
- Capital injection “Friends & Families, Angels, Venture Capitals (VC) or Private Equity (PE)”
- Cost reduction, improve Gross Profit Margin
- Strategic plan for downsizing, growth, and M&A
Next Steps…
We look forward to hear your challenges and bring to table our team of advisers to help you reach your corporate objectives. Give us a chance to gain your business.